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Signs of The Hour


All Muslims aspire to achieve Allah's forgiveness and Paradise. Belief in the last Hour and the Day of Judgement is crucial to Iman and every Muslim believes strongly in it. This product sheds light on the signs told by the Quran and Ahadith about the last Hour and the Day of Judgement. It brings complete awareness for all Muslims of that time so that they could prepare themselves to face Allah. This product plays its role in helping Muslims recognise the signs of the Last Hour around them and be grateful to Allah for his blessings and his life.


Faith in the Last Day and what it contains of rewards and punishments, is one of the pillars of Islam and its great foundations. Allah has placed before the Final Hour certain signs that indicate how close it actually is.

Indeed, our Prophet considered the approaching of the Final Hour as something very great, such that whenever he mentioned it, his cheeks would become red, his voice would rise and his irritation would intensify. He would always speak of it and give reminders concerning it. The Companions would often reflect upon the matter of the Final Hour.

Huthaifah said: "The Prophet (S) came upon us while we were reminding each other. So he said:
'What are you all discussing?'"

We replied: 'We are reminding each other of the Final Hour.'

When the Prophet began to mention it often and the Verses concerning its approach became numerous, the Companions feared that its occurrence would befall them (i.e., in their lifetime).

Many of the signs of the Final Hour have already appeared and much of what the Prophet informed (us) of has manifested itself. Therefore, every passing day increases the believers in their Faith and belief in Prophet Muhammad. This is due to the appearance of signs of his Prophet hood and proofs of his truthfulness, all of which require the Muslims to adhere to this upright religion so that they may be prepared for this event. For verily, the Hour has drawn near and its signs have become apparent. Allah the Exalted said:

"The Hour has drawn near and the moon has been split." (54:1)

Some Wise Words

One of the wise people once said: "I am amazed at the one who feels grief over the loss of his wealth but yet he does not feel grief over the loss of his life span (which occurs daily)."

So strive hard in worship (of Allah), weep over your sins and flee from the punishment (in the Hereafter). The victorious one is he who directs his hopes toward that which is everlasting and cuts off his aspirations for that which is temporary.

When Muhammad bin Sirin was about to die, he wept. It was said to him: "Why are you weeping?" He replied: "I am weeping due to my lapses in the days that have passed and the small number of deeds that I performed seeking the lofty Paradise."