Brief Synopsis:
The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sallabi has written a fascinating biography of a man who looms larger than life throughout history, yet who remains largely unknown to people outside the Arab world. Dr. Sallabi's meticulous research has effectively filled that gap in our knowledge. His work is more than just biography, as the reader will see.
Volume One of Salah ad-Deer al-Ayubi sets the stage for the advent of the Ayubids as Dr. Sallabi describes vividly (and with his characteristic candour) the geopolitical scene upon which the first Crusades were acted out and their effects on the Muslim world in the twelfth century CE. The author discusses the events and introduces the many interesting personalities that played important parts in this real-life drama.
Volume Two of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the establishment of the Ayubid state, mentioning the origins of Salah ad-Deen's family, his birth and childhood; Dr. Sallabi describes the character and ethics of Salah ad-Deen: how he put an end to the Fatimid opposition and reorganised administrative affairs in Egypt; his efforts to revive the Sunnah in Egypt; his jihad against the Crusaders; his use of his literary skills in the service of Islam; and his keenness to unite the Muslim world. Theauthor discusses the events and introduces the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this crucial period in world history.
Volume Three of Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi discusses the influencing factors and the ramifications of three crucial events in which Salah ad-Deen played the leading role. Dr. Sallabi also describes the many other interesting personalities that played important parts in this turbulent period in world history. In the words of Dr. Sallabi, "The beauty of Islam became apparent to westerners from the conduct of Salk ad-Deen in peace and in war, his respect for freedom of opinion and belief, and his adherence to lofty, humane values and the sublime teachings of Islam."
This three-volume work has been made more useful to the reader in this English edition through the addition of a map, a timeline, a list of the dynasties of the period, and a comprehensive Glossary.
Pages: Vol 1: 467, Vol 2: 360, Vol 3: 304
This is a set of three volumes relating the life and the services of Salah Ad-Deen al-Ayubi. Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi was a great Muslim ruler and warrior who worked for the solidarity of Islam and the Muslims around him. He is known for his valor, wisdom, leadership, battle skills, planning, and strength of character. His great love for Allah and his religion helped him establish one of the strongest Muslim states in Islamic history. Some features of this historic document are:
- Book1 discusses the advent of Ayubids, initial crusades and their impact on the Muslim world. Book2 talks about the establishment of Ayubid state, origins of the family of Salah ad-Deen Al-Ayubi, his birth and pedigree, early childhood, education, and his character. His efforts to silence Fatimid opposition and organization of new administrative affairs in Egypt, his wars against the Crusaders, and measures to unite the Muslim world are presented. The third book presents the events that lead from his services for Islam till the last part of his life.
- These three volumes have maps, timeline, list of dynasties, and a glossary to aid the readers.
- This biography presents completely factual details of the life of this great warrior of Islam.
This treatise is a source of inspiration for Muslims, the strength of one man’s beliefs and conducts in history can help us find our path towards Allah and his Deen.
Other Sources: |
Jesus Christ true message and its connection to Islam |
John Deady (co-chairman for Rudy Giuliani's veterans' coalition) statements on "Muslims" |