Mercy is clemency and forbearance; mercy means a favor or a blessing; mercy is the disposition to forgive or show compassion; mercy further denotes the qualities of kindness, sympathy, generosity, and beneficence. Suffice is to say that all of these qualities were there in plenty in the character of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah have his peace and blessings on him).
He was a mercy to believers as well as to disbelievers, for he would invite them to come out of darkness and into the light of true guidance. He is a favor and blessing for mankind, not only for Arabs, the people among whom he was sent, but also for people of all races and colors. His enemies became his closest followers when the shade of blind prejudice was removed from their vision and when they were able, for the very first time, to see with clarity the true nature of the Prophet's character.
This book deals with many of the qualities of Prophet which made him the mercy to everyone. It starts with His perfect lineage, His noble upbringing, and his fully dedicated worship. This book mentions many of the qualities of the Prophet which includes his generosity, humbleness, bravery, virtue of patience, and leadership to name a few. Also, there are examples in each chapter from the life of the Prophet on how he was the perfect living example of that quality. The book ends with the perfection of life of the Prophet with his goodbye sermon and even his noble death where he demonstrated some of those qualities as well.
By: Saeed ibn Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtani
Translator: Faisal bin Muhammad Shafeeq
Pages: 448
Binding: Hardback
Size: 6×9×1" (15×22 cm)
Shipping Weight: 1.49 lbs
Some of the topics discussed in the book are as follows:
His Lineage: The Best of the Best
His Upbringing
His physical description, and a Description of His Morals
How His Mercy, as a General Phenomenon, Embraces all Beings Humans, Jinns, Believers, Disbelievers, and even Animals
Categories of His Mercy, And its' Practical Implementation
Mercy Towards Enemies
His Mercy Towards Believers
His Mercy Towards All Human Beings
His Mercy Towards Children
His Mercy Towards Daughters and Young Girls in General
His Mercy Towards Orphans
His Mercy Towards Women and The Weak
His Mercy Towards Widows and The Poor
His Mercy Towards Students of Knowledge
His Mercy Towards Prisoners
His Mercy Towards The Sick
His Mercy Towards Animals
His Kindness Towards Children
His Good Manners
How He Encouraged Others to Develop Good Manners
Second: The Prophet's good manners
His Generosity
Two things helped convince the woman that she should embrace Islam
The Prophet's Justice
His Humbleness
A Forgiving and Forbearing Leader
His Carefulness and Deliberateness
His Gentleness and Softness
How He Would Encourage Muslims to be Gentle
The Prophet's Gentleness
His Patience
His Bravery
His Wisdom, and His Ability to Unite People and Make Peace between Them
Building His Masjid
Inviting the Jews of Al-Madinah to Islam
Establishing Ties of Brotherhood Between the Muhajiroon (Muslims Who Migrated to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (The Native Inhabitants of Al-Madinah)
Providing Muslims with Proper Training and Guidance
The New Constitution of Al-Madinah
The Prophet's Eloquence
His Miracles
The Qur'an 's Eloquence
Information About the Unseen World
The Miraculous Nature of the Qur'an s Laws and
Physical or Tangible Miracles of the Prophets
Miracles that Had to do with Outer Space
Miracles in the Sky
Miracles Pertaining to Human Beings, Animals, Jinns.
Miracles Pertaining to Trees, Fruits, and Wood
Miracles that Pertain to Mountains, Rocks, and Dirt
Sixth: Miracles that Pertain to Water, Food, Drink, and Fruits
Seventh: Help From Angels
Eighth: How Allah Guaranteed to Protect the Prophet
The Universality of the Prophet's Message
Some Just and Honest Jewish and Christian Scholars
Acknowledge the Truthfulness of the Prophet's Message
His Best Deeds Were His Final Deeds
His Farewell to His Nation
1) He Announces His Intention to Perform Hajj
2) His Farewell Advice to Muslims in Arafat
3) His Speech at Al-Jamarat
4) His Farewell Advice on the Day of An-Nahr
The Farewell of Prophet to Both the Living and the Dead...
The Early Days of the Prophet's Illness
A Sermon of Paramount Importance
His Illness Takes a Turn for the Worse, and Some of the Things He Said During the Difficult Days that Followed
Advice the Prophet that he Gave Just Prior to His Death
When Given the Choice Between this World and the Hereafter, the Prophet Chose the Latter
The Calamity of the Prophet's Death
The Prophet's Inheritance
His Rights Over the People of His Nation
and much more..
Other Sources:
A Muslim's Obligation of Love for Allah