Traduccion-Comentario Del Noble Coran
- Traducido a partir de comentarios tradicionales como al-Yalalayn, Ibn Kathir, at-Tabaria, con especial atencion a los comentarios andalusies de al-Qurtubi e Ibn Yuzay al-Kilbi, al-Garnati, pro Abdel Ghani Melara Navio.
Here is presented, the Noble Quran in Spanish language without Arabic and with commentary. It is a summarized version of At-Tabari, Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir with comments from Sahih Al-Bukhari. Great for Dawah. You can get more books in the Spanish Islamic Books section.
Other Sources:
Prophet Ibrahim's Dua for the protection of his family and the Muslim Ummah
Prophet Moses and the Children of Israel (Exodus according to the Quran)