This book is a complete translation of Sharh Thalaathatul-Usool which is originally written by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab. This explanatory effort explains all we need to know about Islam. It provides an enlightening experience about the three fundamentals of Islam, hence educating Muslims about the true religion and its essentials. The book uses easy to understand English language to convey its message to all. it makes use of numerous references to the Quran and Sunnah to achieve its purpose.
This book is a clear explanation of that which we should all know about our religion. In fact it is a detailed answer to the three questions that we will all be asked in our graves, as such this book will prove to be beneficial for everyone. The author has firmly based his book upon the Qur'an and Sunnah.
This work is the English translation of Sharh Thalaathatul-Usool, which is an explanation of the booklet Thalaathatul-Usool (The Three Fundamental Principles) written by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab.