Brief Synopsis:
This is the "women's lib" age as the West preform to term it. But is it true? Is it not a lip-service age turning women practically to "dolls" or something like "real-life dolls"?
Women entering the fold of Islam played an enviable prominent role, side by side their counterparts, in shaping and developing the Muslim society as a model from the onset, emancipating humanity, men and women, from the shackles of deep-rooted ignorance. Women in Islam have a very special place, status, and dignity that is unknown to mankind before or after.
The life sketches of the early female believers, in this book, stand as beacon and outstanding models for the so-called "weaker sex" and call for the revival of the pristine, lofty, high position of women in the society once again.
The women in this book are listed in categories, such as "Mothers of the Prophet", "Wives of the Prophet", "The Prophet's Daughters", and many more categories.
Some women included in this book are:
- Aminah Bint Wahb
- Haleema as-Sa'diyah
- Barakah
- Fatiman bint Asad
- Khadeedjah bint Khuwaylid
- Sawdah
- 'Aishah
- Maymoonah
- Hafsah
- Zaynab bint Khuzaymah
- Safiyyah bint Huyy ibn Akhtab
- Umm Habeebah
- Umm Salamah
- Mariyah
- Juwayriyah bint al-Harith
- Umm Hani and Nab'ah
- Asma' bint Abu Bakr
- Safiyah bint 'Abdul-Muttalib
- Umm al-Fadl
- Asmaa' bint Umays
- Umm Ma'bad
- Umm 'Ammarah
- Naseebah bint Ka'b
- Rufaydah al-Aslamiyah
- Umm Waraqah
- Umm Kulthoom
- Umm Sulaym
- Umm Haram bint Milhan
- Fatimah bint al-Khattab
- Umm Manee'
- Al-Khasna'
- Shaymaa'
- Ruqayyah And last but definitely not least...
- Fatimah az-Zahrah
Read this book. Live the lives of these great women as they lived them around the prophet. You will tell the tales to your friends and families. But most importantly... You will never forget them.
Islam has given a superior yet respectable status to women. This book presents a chance of knowing about the lives and practices of great women of Islam from the times of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These women worked side by side with men for the evolution of a strong Islamic society. These prestigious beings have set lofty examples of dignity, devotion, strength, morality and chastity. These life sketches of women around Prophet Muhammad (SAW) have lessons for the women of today. Some salient features of this book are:
- The life histories of the mothers, wives and daughters of the Last Prophet of Allah (SAW) have been presented in an impressive manner.
- There are frequent references to the Quran and Sunnah wherever needed.
- The contents have been divided into chapters entitled as the Mothers of the Prophet, Prophet’s Wives and Prophet’s daughters.
- There is a separate chapter about Prophet’s daughter Fatimah az Zahra.
- References in the book are explained in the footnotes at the bottom of the page.
These unforgettable stories of the mothers, wives and daughters of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are highly inspiring for Muslim women. They have lessons that need to be passed on to the friends and families.
Other Sources:
Dua to seek refuge in Allah’s honor |
Dua to seek relief from sadness and worries |
Attributes of Servants of Allah - Quran Surah Furqan Verse 63-65 |
Authenticating Hadith (Sayings of the Prophet) - An Overview of the Science |