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Life after Death and Affairs of the Unseen

Life after Death and Affairs of the Unseen



Majmū’ al-Fatāwā Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah is a tremendous collection of beneficial essays by Ibn Taymiyyah, compiled by Shaykh Abdur Rahman Qasim.This selection includes commentary by Shaykh Sāliḥ Fawzān, and covers the affairs regarding life after death; fitnah at the time of death; condition of the deceased in the grave; punishment in the grave; the soul’s connection to the body within the grave; visiting the graves of the disbelievers; the parents of the Prophet ﷺ; children tested in the grave; children of non-Muslims in the Hereafter; the prophets within their graves; Muslims who enter the Hellfire; the disbelievers on the Day of Resurrection; events on the Day of Judgement; and much more!“I swear by Allāh, I am advising you with the acquisition of Majmū’ al-Fatāwa’ Shaykh al-Islām ibn Taymiyyah.” (Shaykh ‘Uthaymīn) Product Attributes:: Subtitle: Majmu' Al-Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah Regarding "Life After Death And Affairs Of The Unseen" Author: Shaykh Sāliḥ Fawzān Binding: Paperback Pages: 170 Size in inches: 6x9x0.5 Size in CM: 15x23x1.40