An excellent book on the history of the Islamic Caliphate.
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Brief Synopsis:
This book (hardcover on 670 pages) covers the period of the Caliphate of Bani Umayyah in the Islamic history. This detailed treatise has emerged from the relevant section of the abridged translation of Ibn Kathir’s Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah in English language. This book begins by telling the tale of Islamic glory from the 41st year of Hijrah that marked the beginning of the rule of Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan and continues onto the 132nd year of Hijrah which shows the rule of Caliph Marwan Al-Himar. Some significant features of the book are:
- It has extracted its contents from the most reliable authentic source of Islamic history Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah.
- It portrays the Umayyad Caliphate in its true essence without fictional impairment which was one of the major Islamic Caliphates after the demise of the Prophet (SAW).
- It provides an inspiring account of a very large Muslim empire.
- The account is replete with instances of strong character, unwavering determination and devotion, honesty, and inspiring leadership. We meet the heroes of Islam such as Muawiyah bin Yazeed bin Muawiyah, Abdul Malik bin Marwan, Abdullah bin Abbas and many more.
This book stands superior in language and style to attain the purpose of conveying Islamic history.
Author | Hafiz Ibn Katheer |
Binding | Hardback |
Pages | 669 |
Size in Inches | 6x8.5x1.5 |
Size in Centimeters | 14x21x4 |
Edition | 1st |
Actual Weight | 1.98 |
This is the abridged English translation of the classic work: Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, which covers the Caliphate of Bani Umayyah. It starts from the rule of Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan in the 41st year of Hijrah upto the rule of Caliph Marwan Al-Himar in year 132 of the Hijrah.
The Umayyad Caliphate (c. 661-750 CE/41-132 AH) was the second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Rasulallah. Although the Umayyad family originally came from the city of Makkah, their capital was Damascus. At its greatest extent, it covered more than five million square miles (13,000,000 km2), making it one of the largest empires the world had yet seen, and the seventh largest contiguous empire ever to exist. (Source: Wikipedia)
Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah (The Beginning and The End) by the renowned scholar Abu Al-Fida 'Imad ad-Deen Isma'eel bin 'Umar ibn Katheer/Kathir, is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history.
Table of Contents:
- Remembering The Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the Ninety-Fifth Year
- The Biography of al-Hajjaj bin Yoosuf ath-Thaqafi and an Account of his Death
- Chapters
- Demeaning and Audacious Statement Attributed to al-Hajjaj
- Amongst the Prominent People Who Died in the Ninety-Fifth Year Were
- Upon Entering the Ninety-Sixth Year
- The Superiority of the Grand Mosque of Damascus According to the Accounts and Sayings of the Best of Men
- References Made in Connection with the Head of Yahya bin Zakariyya
- “The Door of the Clock”
- The inauguration of the Umayyad Mosque
- The Biography of al-Waleed bin ‘Abdul-Malik, the Founder of the Mosque of Damascus.
- The Caliphate of Sulaiman bin ‘Abdul-Malik
- The Motive Behind Qutaibah bin Muslim’s Murder
- Upon Entering the Ninety-Seventh Year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the Ninety-Eighth Year
- Amongst Those Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the Ninety-Ninth Year
- The Caliphate of ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul-’Azeez
- Amongst the Prominent People who died in this Year
- This was the year in which the claim of the Banul-’Abbas (Abbasids) to the Caliphate began to surface:
- Among the Prominent People who Died in this Year:
- Upon Entering the 101st Year
- The Biography of ‘Umar bin ‘Abdul-’Azeez, The Famous Umayyad
- The Cause of ‘Umar-bin ‘Abdul-’Azeez’s Death
- The Caliphate of Yazeed bin ‘Abdul-malik
- Upon Entering the 102nd Year of The Hijrah.
- Masalmah’s Governorship over the Province of al-’Iraq and Khurasan
- The Battle between the Turks and Muslims
- Among the Nobles and Dignitaries who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 103rd Year of the Hijrah
- Amongst the Prominent People who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 104th Year
- Among the Prominent People who Died in this Year.
- Upon Entering the 105th Year
- The Caliphate of Hisham bin ‘Abdul-Malik bin Marwan
- Among the Prominent People who Died
- Upon Entering the 106th Year of the Hijrah
- Among Those Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 107th year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 108th year
- Upon Entering the 109th year
- Upon Entering the 110th year of the Prophetic Hijrah
- Upon Entering the 111th year
- Upon Entering the 112th year
- Amongst the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 113th year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 114th year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 115th year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 116th year
- Upon Entering the 117th year
- Among the Prominent People Who Died in this Year
- Upon Entering the 118th year
- Upon Entering the 119th year
- The Hundred and Twentieth year of the Hijrah
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty-First Year
- A mention of the personailities who died therein:
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty-Second Year
- From the personalities who died in this year:
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty Fourth Year
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty Fifth Year
- Hasham Bin Abdul malik
- A Mention of His Life and His Death
- The Caliphate of Al-Waleed bin Yazeed bin Abdul Malik, the
- depraved (May he be defaced and distanced from Allah)
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty Sixth Year
- An Account of his Assassination and the downfall of his Dominion
- A Mention of how Yazeed Bin Al-Waleed
- The Caliphate of Yazid Bin al-Walid Bin Abdul Malik Bin Marwan
- From the personalities who died in this year:
- And from those who died in this year:
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty-Seventh Year.
- The Entry of Marwan Al-Himar into Damascus
- Then Began the Hundred and Twenty-Eight Year
- And from those who died in this year
- Then Began Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Year
- The Emergence Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani in Khurasan
- The Killing of Al-Karmani
- And from those who died in this year
- The Killing of Shaiban bin Salamah Al-Haroori
- An Account of Abu Hamzah Al-Khariji’s Entry and Occupation of Madinah For a Period of three months Until his Departure.
- And from those who died in this year
- Then began the Hundred and Thirty-First Year
- Then began the Hundred and Thirty-Second Year
- An Account of how Ibraheem bin Muhammad, the Imam was killed
- The Caliphate of Abul-Abbas As Saffah (the Butcher):
- An Account of the Killing of Marwan bin Muhammad bin Marwan
- An account of How Marwan Al-Himar was killed
- A Brief Account of the Life of Marwan Al-Himar
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