Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. Its importance is high lighted in that Allah bestowed the five daily prayers on the Prophet (pbuh) in the famous trip of al-lsra' wal-Mi'raj (The Night Journey & Ascension). Many Muslims and non-Muslims are under the false notion that the prayers are limited to five.Only Two Rak'ah revives the spirit of the Sunnah prayers, many of which have lost their importance today. InshaAllah, may this book inspire its readers and bring them closer to their Lord through the practice of these Sunnah prayers. For the Prophet (pbuh) has said, "The closest that a person can be to his Lord is when he is prostrating."Imam Hassan Adul Akbar has a master's degree in Islamic Studies and certification in Islamic inheritance from the Islamic University of Arees. He is the author of several books and an international speaker on Islam. He is currently the Director of Operations for the Muslim Free Burial Association and a full-time Khateeb (Speaker).
Product Attributes::
Author: Hassan Abdul Akbar
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 46
Size in inches: 6x9x0.13
Size in CM: 15x23x0.45