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This book includes a compilation of inspiring and motivating Islamic Wisdom that covers a number of important topics that can help a Muslim believer in his or her daily life. In the light of Islamic guidance from the Quran, Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam – may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the explanations of many renowned scholars, these inspiring topics will not only motivate you but serve as a beacon of light guiding the reader on many life’s issues. These include topics on how to handle life’s challenges, putting one’s trust in Allah, Islamic morals and etiquette, matters related to Muslim marriage, personal relationships, and many others. The following provides a brief synopsis of the various chapters and their contents.
Covered topics include:
- Personal Relationships in Islam
- Quran and Hadith on how to deal with life’s challenges
- How to Use ‘Tawakkul’ (Divine Trust)
- Prophet's wisdom on how to get relief from anxieties and depression
- The power and blessings of gratitude and shukr
- Tips on keeping a strong faith during tough times
- Important matters related to the Muslim heart
- Not losing hope in the du'as that we make
- A Muslim on achieving personal excellence
- Tips for a healthy “Muslim Marriage”
- and many other beneficial topics
Book Chapters:
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Understanding and Handling Life’s Difficulties, and Calamities: This chapter explains the role of difficulties, trials, and calamities in a believer’s life and the wisdom behind them. The article also covers the rewards associated with handling life’s such challenges. The chapter uses Quranic verses and the Prophet’s ahadith to elaborate on the concept.
Chapter 3 – Keeping A Strong Faith During Tough Times: This chapter elaborates on handling oneself during tough times and the things that one can do to keep a strong faith in Almighty Allah and His powers. The chapter also provides tips related to keeping ones faith strong and strategies for getting out of problems.
Chapter 4 – Matters of the (Muslim) Heart: Our emotions and decisions in all aspects of our lives are mostly driven by our hearts. Thus, if our heart is good, everything can be good, and vice versa. In this context, this chapter shows the reader the spiritual impact that one’s heart can have on our soul and lives in general.
Chapter 5 – Taking Stock of Our “Thinking” Abilities: In the Quran, Allah challenges mankind to “think” and “think deeply”. In the light of Quran and Hadith, this chapter relates to that message, and guides us to our thinking and searching for meaning, and how we can enhance our thinking abilities, and the underlying things to keep in mind during our quest for answers.
Chapter 6 – Aligning Our Time to Life’s Purpose and Priorities: To help us stay on the right path and to utilize our time in this world to prepare for the eternal life, this chapter guides us on our purpose, priorities, and shows us how we can constructively move forward.
Chapter 7 – The Blessings of Gratitude and Shukr: This chapter emphasizes the need and the rewards associated with thanking our Lord in all situations. It reminds us about Allah’s blessings and provisions to us and our obligation for expressing our gratitude and shukr to Him.
Chapter 8 – Correcting Others by Advising and Not Condemning: To ensure we don’t ruin our relationships, this chapter reminds us on the evils of condemning others and alternately encourages us to advise people instead when correcting them.
Chapter 9 – Ridding Oneself of Jealousy, Hatred, and Resentment: To help us lead happy lives, this chapter guides us on simple tips that we can follow to clean our hearts from the feelings of jealousy and hatred.
Chapter 10 – Not Losing Hope in the Du’as That we Make: The relationship between the Almighty Allah and us becomes stronger when we ask Allah what we want through the du’as that we make to Him. This chapter discusses the topic of du’as and how they can have a transformative effect on one’s life.
Chapter 11 – Managing the Pain and Pleasure of Relationships: Pain and pleasure are part and parcel of our life and relationships. While some relationships can bring us satisfaction and pleasure, others can be painful. This chapter guides us on how to repair our relationships, and how to prioritize them to minimize the pain and maximize the pleasure associated with them.
Chapter 12 – The Sin of Riya: Riya is considered a big sin as the act involves doing things that are pleasing to Allah with the intention of seeking the admiration from people instead. This chapter explains the concept, causes of this sin, and suggests cures on how to protect yourself from committing this act.
Chapter 13 – The Islamic Etiquette of Dealing with People: This chapter targets our social life and teaches us the etiquettes of dealing with others in our daily lives. It includes guidelines on resolving differences, if any, between us and others. It also discusses some important things to make our social life more peaceful and delightful.
Chapter 14 – How to use “Tawakkul” in Relieving our Anxieties and Worries: Tawakkul refers to putting your utmost faith in Almighty Allah. This chapter states the benefits of Tawakkul and explains how one can relieve anxieties and worries by merely using Tawakkul. The explanation includes the associated guidelines referenced from the Quran and Hadith.
Chapter 15 – Balancing Between “Tawakkul” In Allah And Human Efforts: This chapter helps us to further understand the true sense of Tawakkul, and explains how to fashion our behaviors and lives in line with the principles of Tawakkul.
Chapter 16 – The Urgency of Personal Change: This chapter highlights the need for personal change from an Islamic perspective and how we can use this tool to transform our lives for the better in this life and to get ready for the hereafter.
Chapter 17 – The Necessity of Ikhlas (Sincerity): This chapter highlights the importance of sincerity in all our actions. It discusses the need to purify ones intentions and to make ones deeds good in light of Islamic principles.
Chapter 18 – Tips for Your “Muslim Marriage”: This chapter provides select guidance on the do’s and dont’s for married couples in the light of the verses from the Quran and Prophet’s ahadith.
Chapter 19 – Reinforcing Traits of Personal Excellence: In this life, we should utilize our capabilities to strive for excellence. This chapter illustrates how we can reinforce our personality traits to seek excellence. It describes how to form strong positive beliefs and how to make our lives more meaningful as a result.
Chapter 20 – Islamic Morals and Etiquettes: The religion of Islam is infused with moral values and etiquettes. This chapter demonstrates these etiquettes and moral values to be observed in all situations. It shows us how one can instill life with these moral values to make lives more meaningful and delightful.
Chapter 21 – Living Islam within a Family (Home): An integral part of our life is our home and family, whose wellbeing is one of our primary concerns. This chapter includes Islamic guidance about living stable and happy lives and states how one can live a prosperous family life staying within the limits of Islam.
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