Undoubtedly, Umar bin Abdul Azeez is a significant and important character in Islamic history, and Muslims will be proud of him for as long as the world exists. Although the fact that his caliphate was only in place for two and a half years, he left behind him an inheritance of exceptional guiding principles for future generations, from which rulers and leaders may benefit for many centuries to come. Every author has an individual style that can be identifiable.As to my own perspective, only those stories from these books deserve to be mentioned that would cause the readers to experience an improvement within themselves. True transformation ought to happen within them, and their personalities should start to substantially improve. I came to the opinion that Umar bin Abdul Azeez's personality is a model for every aspect of society upon reading about his life and writing about it in my own words. This book offers a lot to offer scholars, students, lawyers, judges, educators, preachers, orators, entrepreneurs, legislators, and everyone else in terms of benefits and lessons. After reading this book, even if just one reader transforms for the better, I will consider my efforts to have been successful.
Product Attributes::
Author: Abdul Malik Mujahid
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 333
Size in inches: 6.75x9.65x0.70
Size in CM: 17x24.5x1.7