THE GOLDEN ADVICE SERIES is an answer to the responsibility of giving naseehah (good advice) and the obvious requirement in our ummah at the present time. This series has its focus on the naseehah to the believers from the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S). The advices given in all the books of these series range from Tauhid (worshipping Allah alone) to morals and issues of business transactions. Each book comes in an easy-to-read size, but the contents are highly beneficial!
Book Information
Binding: Hardback
Size in Inches: 6x9x4.5
Size in Centimeters: 15x22
Format: 2 Color Printing
Shipping Weight: 7.5 pounds
Each book is printed in 2 colors the Ayahs and rules in red color, and the text in black.
See the sample pages here
Titles In The Golden Series
- The Concise Legacy
- O My Son! (The Advice of Luqmaan)
- Do not Become Angry
- Guard the Tongue
- Be patient and Paradise will be Yours
- Rizq and Lawful Earning
- Do not Be Envious
- The Muslim home
- O Young Man!
- Be Steadfast!
Book 1 - The Concise Legacy
The first book in the Golden Advice Series, The Concise Legacy, is the advice given by Ahmad ibn Taymiyah on matters that will set ones affairs of the deen (religion) and duniya (world) correct. The structure for this advice has been given by the advice of the Prophet (S) to Mu'aadh ibn Jabal (R): "O Mu'aadh, fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people." (Tirimidhee)
The advice in this book covers what will make one achieve the good of this world and hereafter insha Allaah. This book is not only a dissertation of how a servant can remain attached to his Lord, but also the advice contained in this book focuses on the interpersonal relationship between human beings. (i.e. being good to our fellow beings by giving them their rights, being just to them etc).
Book #1 - ISBN: 9960-9963-5-6 / 9960996356 (Book 77) - Pages: 82
Book 2 - O My Son! (The advice of Luqman)
One of the many duties of the parents towards their children is to guide them correctly by educating them. It is their responsibility to rectify their childrens mistakes and most importantly guide them towards living a life that pleases Allah (Azawajal) by teaching them the resources to achieve the same.
To help the parents in discharging these responsibilities, Allah (A) gave very lucid guidance in the Quran. He gave the example of a dutiful father Luqman and the advice he gave to his son: "And (remember) when Luqman said to his son when he was advising him: '0 my son! Join not in worship others with Allaah. Verily! Joining others in worship with Allaah is a great Zulm (injustice) indeed." (Luqmaan [311: 13)
Our success as parents is determined largely by how well we are able to discharge those responsibilities Allaah O has placed on us regarding our children. This book explains different aspects of the advice of Luqmaan to his son and its significance for a successful life.
Book #2 - ISBN: 9960-9963-2-5 / 9960996325 (Book 78) - Pages: 112
Book 3 - Do not Become Angry
Many of the mistakes that effect the individual and the community arise from the single defect of Anger. Allah (j) and his Messenger (S) have instructed us regarding this problem and advised us to keep it in control. This book is a broad discussion on these instructions. It is hoped that this concise work will help people bothered with this problem to find a cure in, insha Allah. Also the people who do not have this problem will find enough motivation to keep their emotions under control.
Book #3 - ISBN: 9960-9963-3-2 / 9960996332 (Book 79) - Pages: 75
Book 4 - Guard the tongue
How many people have faced the rage of Allah due to the misuse of their tongues? How many wounds that may never heal have been inflicted through the careless slips of the tongue? The Messenger of Allaah (S) said: "Indeed, the servant will speak words that are pleasing to Allaah, due to which he will be given a condition in which Allaah will raise him many levels. And indeed, the servant will speak words that are displeasing to Allaah, due to which he will not be given a good condition, but (instead) be thrown into the Hellfire." (Bukhaaree)
This book emphasizes those sins that appear to be light on the tongue, but are very severe on the scale and offers practical advice on how to keep the tongue in check.
Book 4 - ISBN: 9960-9963-9-4 / 9960996394 (Book 80) - Pages: 131
Book 5 - Be patient and Paradise will be Yours
After eemaan (faith), the most honorable attribute with which a person could be gifted is patience. It is the best course of action in all circumstances. It is a reason for Allahs mercy and help. It is a source of spiritual joy. The final victory in both, the matters of the world and Hereafter can be earned only by patience and good end beings only to the patient ones. A persons has to go through innumerable and various trials & tribulations in this world. At times, they come in the form of difficulties while at times, in form of ease. Situations that life turns on us sometimes could stretch our will and faith to the extreme. Under all circumstances, patience and eemaan remain to be our most valued companions, as the Prophet (S) said: "Whoever remains patient, Allaah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patience." (Bukhaaree)
This book is a discussion of the patience and how to develop it so that a person can receive one of Allahs greatest blessings.
Book #5 - ISBN: 9960-9969-1-2 / 9960996912 (Book 81) - Pages: 88
Book 6 - Rizq and Lawful Earning
Narrated by Umar ibn al-Khattaab (R), the Prophet Muhammad (S) said: "If you put your faith completely in Allaah, He will arrange for your sustenance in the same way as he provides for the bird. They go out in the morning with their stomachs empty and return filled in the evening." (Tirmidhee)
This book discusses the place of pride Islam gives, to make lawful earnings and rize through hard work and struggle. It also views the dislike Islam places on begging and indolence. It also looks at which earnings are lawful, which are not and the various ways by which wealth can increase while seeking the pleasure of Allah (A).
Book #6 - ISBN: 9960-9969-2-9 / 9960996929 (Book 82) - Pages: 103
Book 7 - Do not Be Envious
Does a person know the reason of the first disobedience in the heavens? ENVY! That was it! Ibless (Shaytaan) disobeyed Allah, his Lord, out of envy, arrogance and pride. (See Al-Araaf [7]: 12). Envy is also one of the most common sins on earth. It is a dangerous disease of the heart the ruins personal and communal relationships!
Causes of Envy, its effects and methods to deal with it, is the subject of this small but helpful book. May the one Who is afflicted with this disease find cure in the prescription contained in this book. (Ameen)
Book #7 - ISBN: 9960-9967-0-7 / 9960996707 (Book 83) - Pages: 87
Book 8 - The Muslim home
A home is an important means to build the Muslim community. The society is a collection of homes, and it is the origin. The home is life and life is society. If the home is strong and morally sound, it will reflect the larger society. The home, whatever it is made up of, is a reflection of what will consequently be seen in the society. When the society is morally bankrupt it should be traced to the home. To save our society from damage, the home needs to be rebuilt on sound footings. The Messenger of Allaah (S) said: "Happiness has four elements; a good wife, a spacious house, a good neighbor and a good riding beast." (Ibn Hibbaan) From this hadeeth, it can be seen that three out of the four elements of happiness concern the home.
This book highlights the means and processes of building a Muslim home which guarantees sakeenah (tranquility). [an-Nahl (16):80]
Book #8 - ISBN: 9980-9969-3-6 / 9980996936 (Book 84) - Pages: 104
Book 9 - O Young Man!
When does a person teach our children? What and how does a person teach them? The Messenger of Allah (N) showed the way of tarbiyah for Muslims in his life-forming advice to Abdullah ibn Abbad? This book is an insight into the basic Islamic teaching that children should be taught important things early in life, so that they can live a meaningful life. It is important for every home.
Is it not time to call our children and advise them with the words of the Prophet (S)?
"O young man, I shall teach you some wards (of advice): Be mindful of Allaah, and Allaah will protect you. Be mindful of Allaah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allaah; if you seek help, seek help of Allaah..." (Tirmidhee)
Book #9 - ISBN: 9960-9967-2-1 / 9960996721 (Book 85) - Pages: 142
Book 10 - Be Steadfast!
Every day a person faces small and big threats during the course of his life. These can be small enough just to shock him or big enough to rock him from the foundation of his being. Such sections make him wonder whether he can remain steadfast and much more.
Narrated Sufyaan Ibn Abdullah (R): "I said to the Messenger of Allah (S): 'Messenger of Allah, tell me something to which I should hold fast. He said: `Affirm, `My Lord is Allah' and then be steadfast.' Then I said: `Messenger of Allah, what is that you are most afraid of in my case?' He took hold of his tongue and said: `Of this.'" (Tirmidhee)
This book, insha Allah, gives a lucid insight into what it means to be steadfast, the kind of sections that make it necessary to be steadfast and the different ways to keep steadfast in our faith.
Book #10 - ISBN: 9960-9967-1-4 / 9960996714 (Book 86) - Pages: 112
Other Sources:
Surah Al-Ahqaf (Chapter 46) from Quran - Arabic English Translation | ||
Surah Al-Ahzab (Chapter 33) from Quran - Arabic English Translation |