This conveys a detailed description of the Paradise as explained in the Quran. Paradise is the ultimate goal of every Muslim and its attainment is considered the highest objective by all. The description of Paradise makes our belief in life hereafter very strong and regulates the dealings of this life. The contents of this product are supported with verses from the Quran and are enough to make our belief in life hereafter strong.
Writing about Paradise is of great importance in view of its significance in the belief of a Muslim. This belief makes him eligible for enjoyment of the bliss and the happiness of the Hereafter. It is not a belief that is limited to the life of this finite and ephemeral world only as compared to the everlasting Hereafter. Rather, it is great creed that links the life of man in this world to that of hereafter so that his vision will not be restricted to this world alone but extends to the Hereafter.
Other Sources:
Jerusalem under Umer ibn al-Khattab's Rule | ||
Jesus (Eesa) -The Prophet who Didn't Die |