Brief Synopsis:
This book provides the biography of the Fourth Caliph of Islam. It is the fourth book in the biographies of the rightly guided Caliphs. It presents the life of Caliph Ali from his birth to martyrdom, covering all major incidents from his life such as his accepting Islam, and working for its solidarity. Some features of this book are:
- Relates the birth, pedigree, and early days from the life of Caliph Ali.
- Covers all important episodes of his life including accepting Islam, marriage, family life, battles, Reign and Caliphate, and his martyrdom.
- Contents are divided into separate sections and chapters to mark different periods in his life.
- Discusses problems Caliph Ali faced during his reign, events that resulted in the Battle of the Camel and Battle of Siffeen. It presents these and other events in their true meaning and essence denying the fallacies of the deviant groups.
This book stands superior in its honesty for presenting the details of the life of the fourth Caliph of Islam. It is an enjoyable and enlightening read for all Muslims.
Author | Dr. Ali Muhammad Sallabi |
Binding | Hardback |
Pages | 1322 |
Size in Inches | 6x8.5 |
Size in Centimeters | 15x21.5 |
Edition | 1st |
Table of Contents:
- Dedication
- Introduction
- ‘Ali bin Abi Taalib (PBUH) at Makkah
- His name, pedigree, nickname, description and family
- His name, nickname and agnomen
- His birthday
- Family background and its influence on progeny
- The tribe of the Quraish
- Banu Haashim
- Abdul Mutlib bin Haashim,
- Abu Taalib,’Ali Bin Abi Taalib’s father
- The mother of the commander of the faithful, ’Ali bin Abi Taalib’
- The brother [and sister] of ‘Ali bin Abi Taalib
- His wives and children
- His physical attributes
- His Acceptance of Islam
- And his actions in MakKah prior to the Hijrah
- His Islam
- How did ‘Ali (PBUH) become a Muslim?
- Between’Ali (PBUH) and Abu Taalib
- Did ‘Ali (PBUH) break idols along with?
- Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) in Makkah?
- Did’ Ali (PBUH) bury Abu Taalib According?
- To the instruction of the messenger of Allah (PBUH)?
- A feeling of security with Ali and his Role in conveying Abu Dhar to Allah’s messenger
- Lesson and benefits of this obtaining information
- Caution and circumspection before giving information
- Security measures for the movement
- The excellence of the companions in the area
- Of security and their consideration regarding it:
- Accompanying Allah’s messenger (PBUH) in his tour of Arab tribes
- And presenting the Da’wah (call of Islam) to them as well as
- His presence at his negotiations with Banu Shaiban
- Offering his life as sacrifice for the prophet (PBUH)
- His Hijrah
- The impact of the noble Qur’an on his life
- First: his concept of Allah, existence, life, Paradise and hell, divine decree and will His concept of Allah, the exalted
- The states of the Qur’an Ali’s perception:
- What was revealed of the Qur’an concerning him?
- His compassion for the Ummah of MUHAMMAD (PBUH):
- Conveying the prophet’s tafseer (exegesis)
- Of some verses of the noble Qur’an:
- Everyone will find easy what he was created for:
- The source and basis upon which the
- Commander of the faithful relied in deriving
- Rulings from the noble Qur’an and understanding its import:
- His method of deduction is similar to the following:
- Preferring al-mujmal (text in summary form)
- Over Mufassar (explanatory texts):
- Preferring al-Mutlaq (lit. Unconditional) verse over al-Muqayyad
- (Qualified) verse in the Noble Qur’an:
- The knowledge of an-naasikh and al-Mansookh
- Consideration for the Arabic language
- He also understood one text in the light of another text:
- Asking questions concerning what was ambiguous to him:
- Ali’s marriage to Fatima
- Her Mahr (bride dowry) and trousseau
- Her Wedding
- The Wedding feast
- Fatima’s Asceticism and Perseverance:
- Our souls are in the hands of Allah, if He wishes
- To wake us, he would:’Ali Bin Abi Taalib narrated:
- His two sons-al-Hasan and al-Husain (PBUH),
- Ahadith related regarding the virtues jointly
- Shared by both al-Hasan and al-Husain (PBUH),
- The Hadith of the wrapping and the meaning of Ahl Al-Bayt
- Ruling specific to the family of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH),
- Their shall not inherit the Messenger of Allah
- For them is one-fifth (khums) of Ghaneemah and Fay’:
- Sending blessing on them along with the prophet:
- They are recipients of a special kind of love:
- ‘Ali (PBUH) in the battle of Uhad
- Ali (PBUH) in the battle of Banu An-Nadheer
- Ali (PBUH) in the Ghazwah of Hamra Al-Asad
- Ali’s position on the incident of Ifk (slander)
- Significant action of ‘Ali between
- The battle of al-Ahzaab and the death of the prophet (PBUH)
- ‘Ali (PBUH) in the battle of al-Ahzaab
- ‘Ali (PBUH) in the Ghazwah of Banu Qurayzah
- ‘Ali (PBUH) at the treaty of Hudaybiyah and Bay ‘at al-Ridhwaan
- Umrat al-Qadaa:’Ali and the custody of Hamza’s daughter
- ‘Ali (PBUH) at the Ghazwah khaibar
- The blessing of his supplication wherein
- Allah answers the prayer of his messenger
- ‘Ali (PBUH) at the conquest of Makah and the Ghazwah Hunayn
- We grant asylum to whoever you grant asylum O umm haanee:
- The assassination of al-Hawayrith bin Naqaydh Bin Wahb:
- Ali (PBUH) in the task of rectification:
- Ali (PBUH) at the Ghazwah of Hunayn:
- Ali’s military Continhent dispatched to Demolish the idol of al-Fils in the territory of Tayyi’
- The prophet’s appointment of ‘Ali (PBUH) to oversee Madinah
- In his absence during the expedition of Tabuk
- Ali (PBUH) and his role in announcing to
- The people the hajj led by Abu Bakr (PBUH)
- ‘Ali (PBUH) and the delegation of Najraan Christians
- And the verse of Mabaahalah (mutual curse)
- Ali (PBUH) as a caller and judge in Yemen
- The four that were thrown into a pit dug for a lion:
- Three men who had sexual relations
- With a woman in her period of purity:
- Ali (PBUH) at the farewell pilgrimage
- His being Honour with Washing and burial of the prophet (PBUH)
- The story of the document, which the prophet (PBUH) wanted
- So write during his last illness leading to his death
- ‘Ali (PBUH) in the period of the rightly guided Caliphs
- ‘Ali Bin Abi Taalib during the reign of as-Siddiq
- First: Ali’s pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr (PBUH),
- ‘Ali and his support of Abu Bakr in the Wars of apostasy
- Ali’s preference of Abu Bakr (PBUH).
- ‘Ali’s preference of Abu Bakr as as-siddiq (PBUH)
- And Ali’s attestation to his precedence and velour:
- Ali (PBUH) followed Abu Bakr (PBUH) in Salaat
- And his acceptance of gifts from him:
- ‘Ali also used to execute the orders of As-Siddiq
- As-Siddiq, Sayyaidah Fatima and the inheritance of the prophet (PBUH)
- The prophet (PBUH) was not to be inherited:
- Sayyidah Fatimah’s tolerance of Abu Bakr
- First: proofs form the book of the Allah
- Second: proofs from the Sunnah
- Third: proofs from other narrations
- Fourth: some saying of imams and scholars regarding this issue
- The institutional of governor ship during the Era of’Ali,
The provinces of the Muslim nation
- Makkah al-Mukarramah
- Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
- Bahrain and Ammaan
- Yamen
- Ash-sham
- Al-jazeerah
- Egypt
- Basrah
- Kufa
Tenth: the provinces of the east
- Faaris
- Khurasaan
- Adharbaijaan
Section -2 chapter- 3
- The appointment of governors during the era of ‘Ali (PBUH)
- First:’Ali’s (PBUH) stance vis-à-vis the governors of Uthman (PBUH)
- And the appointments he gave to his relatives
- “Ali’s (PBUH) stance Vis-a Vis the governors of Uthman (PBUH)
- The first narration, which is related by way of al-waqidee:
- The second narration
- The third narration
- The forth narration
- (2)’Ali (PBUH) the leader of the Believers,
- Appointed some of his relatives to positions of authority
- The following is a list of the governors
- Who ruled during the era of ‘Ali (PBUH)?
- Second:’ Ali’s supervision of his governors,
- As well as the advice and guidance he would give to them
- Third: the powers that were granted
So governors during the era of ‘Ali (PBUH)
- The Appointment of ministers
- Forming a Council of Advisors
- Forming and Mobilizing Armies
- Forming foreign policy in regard to the issues of war and peace
- Domestics safety and security
- Establishing the judiciary in one’s province
- Government expenditures
- Hiring provincial employees and
Overseeing their work performance
- The various classes of society
- Training, and disciplining with reward and punishment
- The role of representatives, or of Al-‘Urafaa
Fourth: The administration philosophy
Of the leader of the Believers,’Ali (PBUH)
- Taking into consideration the human factor
- The factors of experience and knowledge
- The relationship between a leader and his people
- Fending off laziness and indolence
- Supervising workers
- Hiring employees should be based their Qualifications,
And not upon personal connections
- Discipline
- Mutual consultation
- Hiring qualified people for government jobs,