This book discusses the right way for the Muslims to live up to the standards set by the Holy Quran and the Sunnah in order to realize the success in this life and the life hereafter. Each and every aspect related to this has been supported by the Verses and Ahadith to give the true perspective to the reader of the correct way to do this. This will help the reader to adopt what is being said, correctly.
Los Pilares del Islam y el Iman (The Pillars of Islam and Iman) is written in the Spanish language. The five pillars of Islam, viz. Aqidah, Salat, Saum, Zakat and Hajj have been discussed in detail according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Various other topics such as Taharah, the life of the Prophet, Hadith studies, etc., with references to Quranic text and Sunnah of the Prophet have also been discussed. The book is a must-read for every Muslim.
You can get more books in the Spanish Islamic Books section.
Other Sources:
Rewards, Benefits and Virtues of Quran and its Recitation
Ridding Oneself of Jealousy, Hatred, and Resentment